Hi, my names HeOvHe...
I'm a social enterprise. I run creative education projects + training in, racial diversity mental health & well-being.
HeOvHe comes from the words Heart Over Head, which is the ethos behind everything it does.
HeOvHe is informal education + development training for social impact. Training is for counsellors, community hubs, all education centres, schools, colleges, mental health organisations, charities, faith, voluntary sectors. Participants are required to bring with them; a brave and open heart.
Training and projects are delivered in person across the North West and online.
Be Part Of Something Really, Really Different
The Founders Story...
I grew up in the Northwest of England with mixed-race parents, in a predominantly white village. Being called n-word names was a painful part of growing up. I’d never know what to say back, but no-one did. I travelled then went to Uni. My career began Managing creative race diversity projects in arts & culture. Working in the Slavery Museum, I encountered discrimination and was bullied out of my role. I left heartbroken, putting my beloved human rights suit away, in a dark cupboard. I retrained to work in well-being and mental health. In 2020 the George Floyd story ran on TV. Next thing, I got my laptop out, and the following words began to type out…
My name is Ray C Ism. I’m lucky, I get to inhabit whatever body I choose, which is all bodies. I don’t have a physical body of my own, so I infiltrate and use the bodies of most blood living people.
Humans do not see my form, because it is they themselves who conceive, create and carry it (my form) around for me. I am invisible but made visible when my desires are fed, and my work is done. So the actions are the thing that make me. I feed off the human soul and I did not ask for your permission. I dont ever want to be seen for who and what I really am. I do not want to be displayed, deconstructed or dethroned : i just want to be done. I want action, behaviour, thinking, all done in my name to be carried-out. I want carriers, (which is you humans) to keep working for me. They are. It is. (next page cont…
The above letter was the word-for-word transcript from the entity Ray C Ism (which our planets society calls Racism). Whether the communication was real or not, it shook me. An Almighty force then called me to put the suit back on, and go back in. But the only way good could ever win would be if others gave heroic help and were willing to be a part of the mission.
Over the next three years, I received educational codes and downloads that transformed into directions on what to do, in-the-moment. I became a living experiment. When incidents arose in everyday settings, I tried them out and they worked every time.
In 2022 I ran sessions for 3 days, with 75 willing trainee counsellors, in their final year from Runshaw College, Lancs. They alongside the Tutor, reported back, it worked!. This tried and tested formula then formed a training manual and technique, which was then named HeOvHe.
This is now a call to action for any individuals willing to be HeOvHe Doers and help bring
togetherness back to society, for good.
Number of UK race hate crimes reported 21/22 *
HeOvHe is fully committed to unity for all.
HeOvHe Doers trained so far (hey, its early days yet 🙂
Youth said racism affects their mental health *
Join HeOvHes mission.
Simple techniques for race + mental health that empower all our hearts.
HeOvHe teaches all people, what to do, and how to respond when something racial happens in-the-moment. Because none of us, are taught what to do, when something happens, so we end up stressed, silenced, scared.
Doing HeOvHe you will learn to confidently harness a situation you are on the receiving end of or your conversing on, or seeing play out, that is racial; disruption, disclosure, detection or discussion. HeOvHe is onesize cape + hero suit that fits all uniquely. You have to do it, to get it.
You will build on your natural response system which matches your heart and better secures your mental health + well-being, in the moment.
You will skill-up to move through any crisis situation that might present to you, on the going through it end, or the supporting someone else whose telling you about it. You’ll get better equipped to handle it.
HeOvHe believes in partnerships and provides services for ethical initiatives that link to race, mental health and wellbeing. Just drop us an email [email protected]
* The 2021-22 Statistics Infographics mentioned above are sourced from:
https://www.stophateuk.org https://www.annafreud.org
When you learn to do HeOvHe you help mend our society
Available Courses
HeOvHe training is for everyone, and targeted to any racially profiled communities, plus any mental health profession + trainees, counsellors, social care, charities, voluntary sectors, institutions.
Your life experience, purpose or role determines which courses you do. If you want to get stronger dealing with it, do encounters, if you want to assist a group or person more do helpers.
Encounters Course > fortifies practically and supports emotionally, individuals and groups who encounter racism and want to overcome barriers.
Helpers Course > Equips productively, to help those wanting to support individuals who are being or have been impacted by racial issues.